Jot Singh talks about why our newest Noble Lion Kirpans may be among the finest Kirpans ever created...


Why I believe our New Noble Lion kirpans are among the finest kirpans ever created!

One of my passions is to bring forth excellence in Kirpans, that you feel empowered and inspired by, that bolster courage and determination for you or a loved ones you may gift, all  leading to greater success in life, fulfilling family relationships, spiritual growth and blessings. I believe firmly that you will feel the difference and be proud to own and wear them.

For 46 years I have done my very best to bring excellence to artful, one of a kind knives for collectors worldwide. Because of this commitment over decades, we utilize the very finest materials and insist on something pretty close to perfect from our factory suppliers.

I believe the prominent features found in our new Noble Lion kirpans may be tangibly experienced. The durable gold tone noble lion inlaid on the scabbard provides an internal reminder that we can call up on the strength of a lion! The gold tone Khanda/Adi Shakti Shield inlaid on the handle offers courage, guidance and protection. The stylized Ekongkar symbol laser engraved on the handle serves as a reminder of our connection to the One Creator. The exquisite white pearl or midnight blue durable resin are uniquely beautiful!! We have medium size and compact sizes available.

And these Kirpans are sharp - what good is a Kirpan that is not?

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